Python Packing Power

Not unique to python but still cool is the concept of a tuple. A tuple is basically a list that cant be modified. Tuples are also a tad bit easier to use ah hoc. Lets say I wanted some type of list of objects usually because I want a pair...

Args and Kwargs

One of the biggest constraints on software engineering is a function signature. A signature is the name and arguments required of a function in order to call it. If a function is highly used in large code base, changing the signature can be a pain. Python can solve a lot...

Moving to Python

Currently I have been doing most of my development work in python. Prior to Python, my main language was Java. This post is mostly notes of what I learned (not) to do in Python while switching from Java. This is a list of things I would like my Java minded...

Java is Broken

Java is broken I was doing some browsing on StackOverflow today when I ran across this question. In case you cant see it, I will include the relavent pieces. The Code Run the following code. (It wont do anything dangerous I promise). public static void main(String[] args) { print("Hello"); /*...

Come in Echo, do you copy?

Recently, Amazon released a product called the Echo. While some might argue the Amazon Echo is just another Siri/Ok Google, I disagree. So What is Echo? Echo is Artificial Intelligence (AI) that attempts to understand and learn human language. You can ask Echo questions in normal English, and it will...