name: inverse-center layout: true class: inverse, center --- name: section layout: true class: inverse, middle --- name: inverse-title layout: true class: inverse, title, middle --- name: title background-image: url(images/rkt-logo.png) # Intro to rkt .footnote3[Nick Humrich] .footnote2[Canopy - DevOps Guru] .footnote[OpenWest - 7/15/2016] ??? An intro to rkt. Walk through how to build a container using rkt. * Running rkt containers * How to build your own * How to deploy * How to store * How to distribute * Running Docker containers from rkt *, a repository for rkt * rkt vs. Docker --- name: inverse layout: true class: inverse --- class: inverse, middle name: rkt # What is rkt? - Container runtime - CoreOS - Open Container Initiative --- layout: true class: inverse, middle, center --- background-image: url(images/street-vendor.jpg) --- background-image: url(images/boxes.jpg) --- background-image: url(images/containers.jpg) --- background-image: url(images/street-vendor.jpg) -- .white-back[] --- background-image: url(images/boxes.jpg) -- .white-back[] --- background-image: url(images/containers.jpg) -- .white-back[] --- layout: true class: inverse, middle --- # A history on containers ??? * cgroups was introduced in linux 2.6.24 * similar to BSD Jails * lxc based on cgroups * used before docker existed * OS virtualization * google, apache mesos * dotcloud made docker * then docker came along * lead to Open Container Initiative --- # Open Container Initiative --- background-image: url(images/rkt-supporting-companies.png) ??? these are suppoters of the OCI --- # Pieces - appC - Container spec - acbuild - Build - runC - Container runtime - Pods - Metadata service --- # App Container Spec An App Container Image (ACI) contains all files and metadata needed to execute a given app. In some ways an ACI can be thought of as equivalent to a static binary. --- layout: true class: inverse --- template: section # acbuild --- # Building a simple go app ``` #!/bin/bash acbuild begin acbuild set-name acbuild copy hello /bin/hello acbuild set-exec /bin/hello acbuild port add www tcp 5000 acbuild label add version 0.0.1 acbuild annotation add authors "Nick" acbuild write hello-0.0.1-linux-amd64.aci acbuild end ``` --- # Something more complicated ``` #!/bin/bash -e acbuild --debug begin acbuild --debug set-name python-base acbuild --debug label add language python acbuild --debug dep add acbuild --debug run apk update acbuild --debug run apk add python3 acbuild --debug run python3 -- --version acbuild --debug set-exec -- /usr/bin/python3 acbuild --debug write --overwrite python-base.aci acbuild end ``` --- template: section # Pods A deployable, executable unit in the App Container specification --- template: section # MetaData Service --- template:section # Container Runtimes * runc * kurma * rkt --- template: section # rkt --- # Running the Container ``` # rkt run --interactive python-base image: using image from local store for image name image: using image from local store for image name python-base image: using image from local store for image name networking: loading networks from /etc/rkt/net.d networking: loading network default with type ptp Python 3.4.3 (default, Apr 24 2015, 18:29:10) [GCC 4.9.2] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> ``` --- # Running Containers ``` # rkt run --interactive \ --exec sh ``` - - - ``` / # apk update fetch ERROR: temporary error (try again later) WARNING: Ignoring APKINDEX.abd86498.tar.gz: No such file or directory 1 errors; 15 distinct packages available ``` -- - - - ``` / # wget wget: bad address '' ``` --- # Running Containers you have to add `--dns` if you want to use url's ``` # rkt run --interactive --dns \ --exec sh / # wget Connecting to ( Connecting to ( . . . ``` --- template: section # machinectl ??? linux command line for running linux containers --- # machinectl ``` # machinectl MACHINE CLASS SERVICE rkt-47efa49b-3d48-48e9-b3b1-7b409cdfcf1e container rkt 1 machines listed. ``` -- - - - ``` # machinectl kill rkt-47efa49b-3d48-48e9-b3b1-7b409cdfcf1e # ``` -- - - - ``` # machinectl MACHINE CLASS SERVICE rkt-47efa49b-3d48-48e9-b3b1-7b409cdfcf1e container rkt 1 machines listed. ``` ??? kill just send the signal to die, it doesnt force death --- template: section # SystemD Integration ??? rkt has no deamon, unlike docker it just starts the container you can use systemd to acheive deamon processes --- #SystemD ``` $ systemd-run --slice=machine rkt run \ Running as unit: run-rdad9a8ce5.service ``` -- ``` # systemctl status run-rdcad96dcd4914718911d331ead9a8ce5.service ● run-rdcad96dcd4914718911d331ead9a8ce5.service - /usr/bin/rkt run Loaded: loaded (/run/systemd/transient/run-rdcad96dcd4914718911d331ead9a8ce5.service; transient; vendor preset: disab Active: active (running) since Tue 2016-07-12 16:20:28 MDT; 2min 22s ago Main PID: 32564 (ld-linux-x86-64) Memory: 69.7M CPU: 2.128s CGroup: /machine.slice/run-rdcad96dcd4914718911d331ead9a8ce5.service ├─32564 stage1/rootfs/usr/lib/ stage1/rootfs/usr/bin/systemd-nspawn --boot --register=tru ├─init.scope │ └─32630 /usr/lib/systemd/... └─system.slice ├─. . ``` ??? systemd-run lets you "test" systemd --slice=machine says to create a cgroup (machine.slice) rather than system.slice --- #SystemD ectd.service ``` [Unit] Description=etcd [Service] Slice=machine.slice ExecStart=/usr/bin/rkt run KillMode=mixed Restart=always ``` -- ```bash $ systemctl start etcd.service $ systemctl stop etcd.service $ systemctl restart etcd.service $ systemctl enable etcd.service $ systemctl disable etcd.service ``` --- template: section # Other rkt Commands --- ``` # rkt image list ID NAME IMPORT TIME LAST USED SIZE LATEST sha512-1eba37d9b344 2 months ago 2 months ago 24MiB false sha512-ffefd9afb971 2 months ago 2 months ago 108MiB true sha512-027dbe8300a5 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago 84MiB false sha512-2222d0a86708 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago 5.4MiB true sha512-5944831b95e8 python-base 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago 5.7MiB false sha512-9bc2a999e131 python-base 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago 46MiB false sha512-97d47005dc8a 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago 4.8MiB false sha512-d312ea46ddaf 18 hours ago 18 hours ago 178MiB false sha512-938efe6e0cba 11 minutes ago 11 minutes ago 56MiB false ``` -- - - - ``` # rkt list UUID APP IMAGE NAME STATE CREATED STARTEDNETWORKS 06097c9a python-base python-base exited 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago 0ae6e669 busybox exited 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago 0f577c6d alpine-sh exited 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago 0f947f46 python-base python-base exited 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago 12280952 python-base python-base prepared 18 hours ago . . . ``` ??? note that rkt list shows ALL containers ever --- ``` # rkt gc gc: moving pod "06097c9a-7bd5-458b-9f0f-d35fa19b3b6d" to garbage gc: moving pod "0f947f46-e026-4c67-9e84-3a01af222d3a" to garbage gc: moving pod "3243caa3-893c-4f9e-aac8-1b19b5ed25a7" to garbage gc: moving pod "5be19478-c915-451d-a641-4380563a23bf" to garbage . . gc: pod "d0672688-73c6-4074-9417-ca5d255a33bb" not removed: still within grace period (30m0s) Garbage collecting pod "d873462b-0999-42b1-bcc2-cf43088d41b5" networking: teardown - executing net-plugin ptp gc: pod "dab4644d-50e3-4415-abd3-f1f44bd7b3e6" not removed: still within grace period (30m0s) networking: teardown - executing net-plugin ptp Garbage collecting pod "8ab18977-201f-4d82-a135-3c8090edab48" ``` --- template: section # distributing your container --- # github ``` # rkt fetch image: remote fetching from URL "" image: downloading signature from fetch: bad HTTP status code: 404 ``` -- - - - ``` # rkt fetch --insecure-options=image \ image: remote fetching from URL "" Downloading ACI: [=============================================] 345 B/345 B image: using image from local store for image name sha512-beca9d9c2377faeed9803658fcdcd5d7 ``` ??? * create a release on github * simply drop aci file as a "release binary" in github --- #signing gpg-patch ``` %echo Generating a default key Key-Type: RSA Key-Length: 2048 Subkey-Type: RSA Subkey-Length: 2048 Name-Real: Nick Name-Comment: ACI signing key Name-Email: Expire-Date: 0 Passphrase: rkt %pubring %secring rkt.sec %commit %echo done ``` --- #signing create keyring ``` # gpg --batch --gen-key gpg-batch ``` - - - export pub key ``` # gpg --no-default-keyring --armor \ --secret-keyring ./rkt.sec --keyring ./ \ --export > pubkeys.gpg ``` - - - sign ``` # gpg --no-default-keyring --armor \ --secret-keyring ./rkt.sec --keyring ./ \ --output python-base.aci.asc \ --detach-sig python-base.aci ``` --- # github ``` # rkt trust ``` ``` # rkt fetch . . . image: remote fetching from URL "" image: downloading signature from Downloading signature: [=======================================] 473 B/473 B image: using image from local store for image name sha512-beca9d9c2377faeed9803658fcdcd5d7 ``` --- #Discovery ``` # rkt fetch ``` -- - - - ```html
``` --- template: section # ??? quay is a container repo from coreos suprise! you cant upload your aci to quay but if you use docker in quay it will convert to rkt (aci) with `rkt fetch` --- template: section # deploying use kubernetes or coreos --- template: section # rkt vs docker --- background-image: url(images/docker-architecture.png) ??? docker architecture * explain how deamon works --- template: section # Pros and cons of deamon ??? pros: * client can talk to remote host * good for vms * deployments/debugging can be cool * One process that controls all containers * easier to see what containers are doing versus none containers * easier to understand cons: * remote aspect makes it less secure * an extra (unneeded) process * doesn't use linux supervisor * almost like throwing years of linux out the window --- # Dockerfile vs acbuild ``` acbuild --debug begin acbuild --debug set-name python-base acbuild --debug label add language python acbuild --debug dep add acbuild --debug run apk update acbuild --debug run apk add python3 acbuild --debug run python3 -- --version acbuild --debug set-exec -- /usr/bin/python3 acbuild --debug write --overwrite python-base.aci acbuild end ``` ??? * bash files are powerfull * bash is also hard * lots of reptative steps * no standard name docker * not as powerful, no loops * special syntax requires docs * not as good highlighting support * a standard file that exists in every project * docker build is an easy command * much more simple --- template: section #docker-compose vs pods --- template: section # Thanks .pull-right[ \#openwest @nhumrich ]